May 25, 2017 2 min read

Life is busy. There is no denying that. Work, family, friends, the house, the dog, the oil change you’ve been putting off and all the other little things that can pile up before you know it.

We often get so caught up in our lives that we don’t even really notice how busy things have gotten. Sometimes it feels as though we can’t keep up with our lives, or those of our loved ones.  At times, just keeping the counters clear from clutter can feel like a victory. And it’s a victory that should be celebrated.


This home has grown with it’s family throughout the years. They recently were able to expand the footprint. In towns like Manchester-by-the-Sea, space is in short supply, and it’s important to make the most of what you have.

While this addition took some precious space from the yard, it made up for it with what the family gained inside. Creating a sanctuary to make the most of the quiet moments we do get. Finding peace and tranquility in this kitchen helps cool things off while this family enjoys their time together.


It’s the little things that we rely on to keep our lives connected. For this home in Manchester, it’s family time and enjoying the haven of home. So easily we can get lost down a rabbit hole of chaos. There’s beauty in chaos, but it’s held together by the precious moments we get with the people we love.


Medallion Gold, Maple , Providence flat panel, castle rock sheer (base and wall cab)

Island is providence flat panels,  Islander paint finish with brushstrokes

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