September 08, 2016 2 min read
It can be hard to look at the things we see and use everyday in a new light. When this homeowner realized the space of her home wasn’t working, the first logical step she took was to look at the real estate market. It seemed like it was time to buy a new house, but the housing market was not working in her favor. Selling it would be easy, but what kind of home can you buy in a seller's market? Giving up your home, neighborhood and community is no small sacrifice. So she started looking around for potential within her home. Turns out, there was a lot of it.
The backsplash added an unintended pop of color. The tiles are actually clear, but because of the color on the wall they came out a welcoming grey/green color.
The home had a highly sectioned layout common to the older building of the area. It was build with the “every room needs a door” kind of thinking. While this type of design certainly has a place in our history, it seems to be quickly going the way of the dinosaurs. By tearing down the walls changing the layout, she was able to change the house she always had to just the one she wanted.
The kitchen was opened up. Exposed brick and the live edge on the black walnut counters add to this inviting atmosphere. Black walnut counters, cut from a tree in their neighbor's yard, were used in the living room, kitchen & bar area to help tie it all together. Everything about this kitchen speaks to their home and community.
The long counter by the sink allows people to gather and commune, so nobody has to miss out on the fun while preparing drinks or tasty snacks.
It’s easy to look at all of the beautiful homes on Pinterest, Apartment Therapy or whichever your favorite home blog is and think “I wish I could live in a house like that.” But how often do we consider what we can change in our own lives and homes to get there? If you are going to sell and rebuild or start fresh, why not just invest in what you already have. The grass is greener where you water it.
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