October 15, 2015 1 min read


Mix & Match: It’s not just for swimsuits.

White has long been a dominate color in the kitchen, but why not share the spotlight? Using contrasting colors in the kitchen can help create a vibrant feel. It’s time to shed the chains of tradition. Invite contrast into your kitchen and share your style with the world. If you're torn between two, maybe you don't even have to choose. 

Darker cabinets can help create contrast and a vibrant feeling in the kitchen or throughout your home. Look at the tones in your counters, floor and windows. Contrast can be created with any piece of your space. 

Contrast is more than just black and white. When designing your kitchen or new space, don't be afraid to grab a color wheel. Really explore how colors interact and find out how they can work for you. Consider what you will be using the room for, whether plan on using it as a relaxing space or one to get lively in. Kitchens are often places for filling bellies, having drinks and sharing stories. Contrasting colors and accent pieces can help bring to life that lively atmosphere.


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