April 05, 2018 4 min read
Warmer weather has arrived, and we are not mad about it. Now that daylight savings has given us our evening sunshine back, it's time to start cleaning out our closets. And disinfecting them. This is the opportunity to tackle all the projects we've been putting off.
Spring Cleaning comes as a response to the shift in seasons. As we begin to put away the heavy layers of winter and break out the spring/summer wardrobe, we start to reorganize our closets and our shelves. We start to evaluate the shape of our homes and how they fared through the dark and cold winter months.
Spring signals more than just cleaning out your closet, it’s a time for new growth and rebirth. Spring Cleaning is a time to look around you house and decide what you can work on, what you can improve. Even if you aren’t making any big renovations, fix up the small things that are going to make the precious few summer months that much more enjoyable can make a big impact.
There are few things as good as the feeling of open windows in the summertime. Opening your windows can transform your home into big, bright, good-for-the-soul spaces. Screens can make all the difference. However, they have a bad habit of being damaged by branches, pets, people and any number of things. This year, while you’re taking out the storm windows and putting the screens in, take a good look at them and see if any of them need replacing. You may even want to consider using a product like ScreenEze to upgrade your porch to the screened in porch you've been dreaming of.
Many screen doors double as storm doors in the winter. As we transition from glass to screen, it is important to inspect your doors and see if the weatherstripping has been damaged or they need to be replaced. If you have pets that are continuously scratching the door or ripping the screen, think of replacing yours with one that allows your pets in or out on demand. You may also consider a door that’s solid on the bottom to prevent future pet damage.
It’s not just for the cold winter months. If you’ve skipped the insulation step last winter or just saran wrapped your windows, consider fixing your drafty areas. This can help keep your home at a comfortable temperature when things really start to heat up outside. If your windows aren’t shutting tight, consider replacing the hardware. Remember: AC bills can be just as bad as heating bills. Proper insulation is the gift that keeps on giving. Done right, it will help lower your heating/cooling bills for years to come and keep you comfortable at the same time.
Decks, patios, porches or outside sitting areas can often be damaged in winter storms. With 3 big Nor’ Easters in March alone, it’s a good idea to inspect yours for damage. Check for any broken railings, boards or stones before the prime outside entertainment months hit. Take into account the finish on your deck and consider adding a coat of paint or stain. It won’t just make your deck look better, it adds another layer of protection and will help you get more life out of it. Don’t miss out on any of the sunshine because you were procrastinating your outdoor projects.
Did you leave it outside this winter? We’ve all been there, maybe you even did it on purpose because you are ready for an upgrade. No judgement, just be sure you have a comfortable place to sit when the time comes.
Is it a luxury? Yes. However before you write this glorious feature out of your life, look around. It can be quite possible with a small bit of fencing and water spigot. Creating a simple enclosure can allow you to hang a sun shower up and avoid the extra plumbing. Just imagine your house as a sand and mud-free zone before you close the door on your outdoor shower dreams. A few pavers and small bit of fencing can make all the difference. Be creative and enjoy it!
They are not just for keeping cozy in the cold months. Get yourself an outdoor chiminea or standing fireplace if you don’t already have one. A fire is a great place to gather, can take off a summer chill and is great for roasting marshmallows or even searing a steak. Go ahead, everyone deserves a bit of luxury.
The possibilities are exciting, but be careful not to overwhelm yourself. For a really effective Spring Cleaning this year, make a list and prioritize your projects. Deciding what is important to you and your home can make projects feel more manageable. If you are feeling like you don’t have the time or budget to make big changes right now, don’t despair. Making small changes can often do a lot for your space, and don’t be afraid to get creative. Tackle your Spring Cleaning improvements around the home and enjoy the golden sunshine in months ahead.
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