November 23, 2020 1 min read
Thanksgiving this year will look different for most of us this year. After a long year of the pandemic, we have found ourselves still here. While many of us would love to gather with loved ones, and overindulge in Thanksgiving dinner, that’s not possible for everyone. It’s a hard truth. As we add the holiday season to the long list of things that won’t be the same, we can still be grateful for the home we have.
While not everyone has endured the same hardships, this year has been challenging for all of us. But we adapt. We can mourn the loss of our loud and chaotic holiday, and move forward. Not cooking a meal for 20 people this year might give you an opportunity to try some recipes or make room for new traditions. It also means you won’t have to pretend to enjoy the jello salad your great aunt twice removed makes every year.
While the holidays may not look like they have in the past, it’s important to take this time to find gratitude in the things we do have. To take a deep breath and moment to be thankful. This is an opportunity to focus on the core pieces of our lives, stripped away from all the distraction. Just as we acknowledge the loss of holidays as they have been, perhaps we can find hope and gratitude for more time spent with the people closer to the center of our lives.
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